Monday, March 18, 2013

3/18/13 Visual Thinking

Today's Class- Today we had a critique of the first project of the semester, the Symbolic Language project.  We also spent a little time reviewing the next project, the Symbolic Self Portrait, and ended the class in the gallery downstairs visiting the Student Art Show, which will be the basis for our third project.

How to make this up-  Artists are often influenced by other art they see, including subjects, styles, and mediums.  The above artwork is a piece of mine from several years ago in which I visually build a tower of all the influences, both in and outside of fine art, which influenced the art I have made and still make today.  The process of combining influences from other artists is known as Synthesis.

You won't be doing something quite so large, but instead producing an artwork influenced by two or more artworks from other artists.  The class visited the Annual Student Art Show in the James Howe Gallery, down on the 1st floor of Vaughn-Eames.  The show is all art from current Kean students, representing many of the classes taught here.  You need to select two pieces, made by two different students and of two different mediums (such as metals and painting, ceramics and drawing, etc).  You are to use aspects of each piece to create a new artwork.  I don't want you to just copy bits directly from two works, but to look for aspects to bring together.  You may get an idea for a subject, use of a medium, style of depiction, etc.  Your new piece should be unique, not something either of your chosen artists would have done on their own, or something you would have done yourself without borrowing those elements.  Most will choose to do paintings on your 18" x 24" paper, but you may choose any medium that relates to at least one of your chosen influences, including sculpture.  If you are not sure, talk to me about it in class or by e-mail in between.

Most students in each section were there today and saw the show as part of the class.  If you missed that, the last day for the Student Art Show (your starting point for this project) is Tuesday, March 26th (11am to 4pm I believe), so you must see it by then.  

Homework-  The Symbolic Self Portrait (see 3/4/13 on this blog), making use of at least 6 of the personal symbolic objects drawn in your sketchbook last month, is due at the beginning of class on March 25, 2013.  

The Synthesis Project, combining aspects of two or more artworks from the student show, is due at the beginning of class on April 8, 2013.  I encourage students to bring their progress in next week to discuss their ideas and receive some feedback before the week that it's due.

Those who still owe the Symbolic Language project should try to complete it as soon as possible to receive partial credit.

For next class 3/25/13- We will have a group critique of the Symbolic Self Portraits and any late arriving language projects.  We will also go over the details of the Synthesis project again in the classroom and discuss examples of artistic collaborations.  No art materials will be required for the class meeting.