Friday, February 10, 2012

2/10/12 Intro to Art

Today's Class- Today we spent the day considering the use of value (light and shadow) in art. We looked at slides of two dimensional art from Ancient Rome through the present, seeing how value was used by artists to imply volume, distance, weight, and time of day, to focus attention, and to provide more details of surfaces. We also looked at a few examples of student charcoal drawings. For the art project, students used charcoal to draw from a still life set up of white objects, lit with a directional light source.

How to make this up- You will need to set up a still life with some white or light colored objects, and use charcoal to match the level of light and dark in the objects as closely as you can, as in the above example. The details of how to set it up and some additional student examples can be found here. This is a portfolio exercise and must be made up by the end of the semester to receive credit.

Homework- Nothing new, but I am asking students to provide me with a list of artists and artworks for their research topic by next Friday. Students who don't clear their choices with me will have to take their chances that they have chosen work appropriate to their paper.

For next class 2/17/12- We will do a project involving collage. Bring your 18" x 24" paper, pencil and eraser, scissors, and glue. (glue stick is recommended) If you have any old magazines to cut up, bring them in, though I'll have a pile of them for you to go through.

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