Monday, November 21, 2011

11/21/11 2D Design

Today's Class- Today we started a new graded project involving limited color palettes. Sometimes artists will paint with the natural colors of their subject, but at other times they will choose other colors to represent their subject. We looked at a few dozen slides of examples of some common approaches to limited color, then started the project. Some time was reserved at the end of class to look at the season temperature collages.

How to make this up- First find a black and white photograph of an actual scene (person, landscape, interior, still life, etc). Sketch the basic composition of your photo four times on a sheet of your 18" x 24" paper, then use your acrylic paints to do paintings reflecting the value structures of the photo. Student examples from previous semesters can be seen above and below. To learn the specific details of how the colors will be chosen, and to see additional examples, click here.

Homework- This limited palettes graded project is due at the beginning of class on December 5, 2011. Anyone who still owes a back project, such as the woodblock or the season temperature collage, should bring them in as soon as possible to receive partial credit.

For next class 11/28/11- We will take a more traditional approach to paint by painting a color still life painting. Bring your 18" x 24" paper, paints, brushes, palette, palette knife, pencil and eraser.

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