Wednesday, October 26, 2011

10/26/11 Drawing I

Today's Class- Today we did two things- the final charcoal drawing of the semester, and the first half of the semester portfolios were graded and returned. The charcoal drawing were collected and will be returned graded next week.

How to make this up- Set up a still life. Put a medium size box on a table, with a smaller box on the table in front of it. Drape both boxes with a white or light colored cloth. Arrange 4 objects of similar size on and around the the two boxes- two white or very light colored, two darker colored. Shine a direct light source on it to create strong patterns of light and shadow. Draw the still life on a sheet of your 18" x 24" paper using the charcoal of your choice (vine or compressed), paying attention to our usual concerns of the shapes of objects, proportions of objects, spacing, perspective, and matching the values of objects and drapery as closely as possible. Spend up to 5 hours working on it if you need to. This is a graded project and must be completed as soon as possible.

If you haven't had your 1st half portfolio graded yet, bring it in as soon as possible.

Homework- Find a pumpkin, either whole or carved as a jack-o'lantern. Draw three different views of the pumpkin, one per page in your sketchbook, using your softest pencil, paying attention to the specific values of the parts of the pumpkin, any attached or cast shadows, and if it's carved, either the dark or light within.

For next class 11/2/11- We will begin our study of value drawing using ink wash. Bring your 18" x 24" pad, black drawing ink, watercolor brushes, water containers (cups, cans, etc), and pencil and eraser.

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