Wednesday, November 3, 2010

11/3/10 Intro to Art

Today's Class- Today we started by looking at slides from the history of printmaking, from the Renaissance through the present. Then the class started working on a related portfolio assignment, a collagraph. We also devoted some time at the end of class to looking at the results of the photography assignment given out two weeks ago.

How to make this up- Find a piece of cardboard about 8" x 10". (the large side of a cereal box will do) You need to attach a variety of materials with different textures to the cardboard, so that some kind of recognizable image is formed. In a few weeks you will bring in the completed collagraph plate and I'll help you print them. Student examples of the printed collagraphs are shown above and below. (the one below has been colored after printing with watercolors) For more details about the assignment, click here.

Homework- The completed collagraph plate is due at the beginning of class on November 17, 2010.

Anyone who still hasn't turned in their research assignment should do so as soon as possible to receive partial credit.

Those who didn't have their photos today should bring them in next week to share with the class.

For next class 11/10/10- We will start the first individually graded assignment of the semester. Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencil, and eraser, and pastels.

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