Wednesday, November 18, 2009

11/18/09 Intro to Art

Today's Class- Today we looked at slides of architecture from prehistoric to late 20th century. Then the collographs were printed while students worked on their comic strip projects.
How to make this up- Bring your collograph plate to the next meeting of our class, December 2, 2009. I'll take them to print at my studio and return to you the following week.
Homework- The personal narrative comic strip project started last week is due at the beginning of class on December 2, 2009. The architecture take home assignment is also due on 12/2/09.
For next class 12/2/09- Bring your completed comic strip project and some paper for sketching. (can be your big pad or a notebook/sketchbook) If you haven't brought your photos to class yet, bring them that day.

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