Monday, September 8, 2008

Welcome to the Fall 2008 Semester

Welcome to the blog that I have set up for my Kean students.

To make things easier to follow, posts meant for my Introduction to Art class (FA 1000 sec 13, 12:30 pm) will use red text, while posts for my Two Dimensional Foundations class (FA 2402 sec 04, 5:00 pm) will use blue text. Posts that are for both my classes, like this one, will use black text.

I will use the blog to put up all important information from the classes. Each week there will be a post for each class, the title containing the date and name of the class. I will write about what we did in class, what homework (if any) has been assigned, and list when assignments are due and what materials are needed for the next class. When applicable and available, I'll post photos of previous student work as examples of the project. I will usually post this information either very late Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning. About a month's worth of entries will be kept on the main page; after that earlier postings can be found in the archives

Certainly I expect you to stop by this blog if you miss a class for any reason. It will make it a lot easier to catch up on what you missed and not fall further behind. Even if you never miss a class, you might find it useful to stop by at times to verify due dates, get reminders of next week's art materials, etc. These are the most common questions I used to get in e-mail, and now you can find those answers 24/7 without having to wait for me to read your mail and reply. And due to the nature of blogs, all the previous entries are saved, so you can always go back in the archives to get information about projects from earlier in the semester. If you need further information than can be found on this blog, you should e-mail me directly at my address, rather than leave comments, since I wont be checking comments between class meetings.

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