Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Tuesday 10/2/07 2D Design

Today's Class- In tonight's class we began with a group critique of the dot drawings, which were later graded and returned. Then we started a new graded project, a line drawing still life. I set up a still life grouping and gave the students about 3 hours to work on it. The final part of class was spent looking at slides from the history of art (especially Renaissance, Baroque, and some modern and contemporary) that make various use of value, the use of light and dark elements in a 2D work.

To make this up- Put together a still life grouping with the following objects- a bottle, a cut flower or twig with leaves, a hat, a shoe, a brick (or small box if you don't have a loose brick), a telephone, 3 medium size pieces of fruit (or small sports balls- baseball, tennis, etc if you don't have fruit around). Draw the group using pencil line (no shading) as shown in the above student drawing. Pay attention to shapes and proportions of individual objects, proportions of one object to another, space between objects.

Homework- None, unless you owe me this or the dot project.

For next week 10/9/07 - Bring your large pad, two kinds of charcoal, kneaded eraser, and pencil/eraser. We will begin our work with value using charcoal.

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