Wednesday, November 10, 2010

11/10/10 Intro to Art

Today's Class- Today we looked at art that had the common element of that the focus was on narrative- telling a story. This went back to cave paintings and Ancient Roman monuments, through the Renaissance, and into the 20th century. Then we started the first graded project of the semester, an autobiographical symbolic comic strip.

How to make this up- On this first day I showed previous examples on slide and some actual student projects, similar to the ones shown above. Students picked stories from their lives to depict, and chose symbols to represent the characters in the story. Some got as far as penciling a few of the panels. I also demonstrated some ways of using pastels, which will be used to color the finished comic strip. The class will be given all of next week to work on this as well (and further additional time on your own), so if you missed today, come in with story and character ideas, but you don't need more than that for next week. While students continue to work on the comic strips, I will help print the collagraph plates begun in class last week. For more details about the comic strip project and further examples, click here.

Homework- This autobiographical and symbolic comic strip project is due at the beginning of class on December 1, 2010. Collagraph printing plates are due at the beginning of class on November 17, 2010.

For next class 11/17/10- We will continue to work on the comic strips and print the collagraphs. Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencil, eraser, pastels, and your completed collagraph plate.

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