Friday, January 31, 2020

1/31/20 Introduction to Art

Today's Class- Today we started making art, beginning with the most basic thing we will look at- the line.  I showed a few dozen slides of historical artworks, things that made use of line in various ways, and we had a brief discussion of characteristics of lines.  Then we did a series of exercises related to contour lines- lines that separate positive and negative space, lines that can be used to show the shapes of objects, describe surfaces, etc.  I also distributed syllabi to some new students to the class and handed out the museum assignment to the afternoon class.  Had it in the morning but got a bit distracted by the fun of drawing shoes and didn't give it out, so next week someone from the morning class should remind me that you need it.

How to make this up- The complete directions for making up the contour line exercises, along with student examples, can be found here.  

These are portfolio exercises and can be made up for full credit any time before the end of the semester, but I suggest you not wait too long- it's not too difficult, but work that is put off rarely gets finished as the semester ends, and you'll have a lot more to deal with at the end of the semester, in my class and in others. 

Homework- If you were present today you are fully caught up on this exercise and you have nothing to make up.  If you missed class, you can find the specifics in the above section.

The rough draft of the museum assignment is due on March 20, 2020.  If you did not receive one today, there is a link to one on this blog- click to Museum Assignment tab near the top of the home page to see the assignment, a list of approved museums, links the museum home sites, etc.  Or you can just wait until next week and receive a hard copy.

For next class Feb 7, 2020- More use of line, but this time the  focus is on the concept of positive and negative space.  Bring back the 18"x 24" pad of drawing paper, pencil(s) of choice, and an eraser.  No need for shoes, and I'll leave my bag of them at home.  

Friday, January 24, 2020

1/24/20 Introduction to Art

Today's Class-  Today was the first meeting of the class.  After attendance was checked, I distributed the syllabus and reviewed it with the class. Then all students filled out a survey regarding art experience and interests, the results of which were shared with the whole class by the students.  (surveys were not collected).  I used the same form to provide my background when I started my first college art class and now. Went over a few more things, and since no one had art materials to work with yet, answered any questions and wrapped things up.

How to make this up- All students in both sections were present today, so everyone is all caught up.

Homework- No homework yet.

For next class 1/31/20- We start learning art and we start with drawing, specifically the use of line.  The focus will be on the concept of contour line, the lines that give shapes to objects.  We will use pencil on drawing paper, and the subject will be shoes, one of the most common starting points for art students. A shoe is designed to fit on a body part and shares the organic nature.  Learn to draw a shoe, and you can learn to draw a foot.  Learn to draw a foot, and you can learn to draw a body. If you can learn to draw a body, you can learn to draw anything.  Of course we are just dealing with a shoe, which unlike live models, sits absolutely still and works for free.  I will have a bag of old shoes available, but if you would prefer, you may provide your own, either an extra you bring with you or one you just took off your own foot. Also bring with you your 18"x 24"pad of drawing paper, pencil(s) of choice, and a suitable eraser, and we'll be doing portfolio exercises in contour line.  Expect to be there longer than we were today.

I will also distribute and review the museum assignment, with the rough draft not due until late March.  

Monday, January 20, 2020

Welcome to the Spring 2020 Semester

Welcome to the Spring 2020 Semester.  This is the blog site I have set up for students in my classes.  I have two sections of FA 1000 Introduction to Art this semester, both on Fridays in Vaughn-Eames room 312, Section 13 from 9:30 to 12:15 and Section 09 from 12:30 to 3:15.  One post will cover both classes, since they will follow the same schedule.  Post title will include the class name and date.  Posts directly about this class will appear in Red text, while anything else will appear in black text. 

Each post will have a simple description of the week's class- what we did, photos of the project (if available), instructions as to how to make it up, due dates that apply (all work is due on the last day, but individually graded assignments may need to be turned in sooner- you'll be told as they happen), materials needed for the following class, and any changes to the schedule that may occur.  The museum assignment tab provides a simple breakdown of the assignment and links to museum websites.

This is not an online class and this blog is not a substitute for coming to class.  Attendance and participation is required.  The purpose of the blog is to provided information to registered students (if you are not on the roster I can't give you a grade) who regularly come to class, but for some reason may have to miss a meeting. Even if you never miss a class meeting, you may find it useful to get a reminder of what is due and the dates, to see additional student examples of a project, or to verify what you need for the next class. It is available 24/7 and does not require signing in.  Information posted will answer the most common questions that students have without having to wait for me to reply.  However, if you have a question not addressed here, you are welcome to send me an e-mail to my Kean address, and I will likely reply within 24 hours.