Friday, December 21, 2018

12/21/18 Introduction to Art

Today's Class- Today was the final meeting of the semester.  Both sections met as scheduled, with most of the students showing up.  In each class we started by looking at the 3D projects, a quick group critique.  We then moved on to grading the semester portfolios, and final museum papers were collected, which will be graded in the coming days, first for the purposes of the class, and then for class learning outcomes evaluations.  

Some students returned to pick up the graded materials.  Work that was not collected by the students today was stacked on small tables near the front of the room (adjacent to the chalk board), one for large pads, one for 3D works.  How long they will stay there is up to the university. Below are some examples of 3D student projects shown today:

Against College

Pile Of Rubble

Dead Idol

Sting Despair

All student work will be graded in accordance with the system mentioned on the syllabus, within the next few days.  Calculated final class grades will then be submitted to the University.  When they make them available to the students is up to them.  The Student Leaning Outcome evaluations have nothing to do with how the grades will be calculated.

How to make this up- Nothing more to be done at this point.  

Homework- The semester is over.  Enjoy the break and the holidays.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

12/12/18 Introduction to Art

Today's Class- We had our unusual Wednesday meeting today, and I was surprised that most of the students showed up- radical changes to the schedule can be tricky.  Otherwise it was a basic work day.  Started nothing new (I think you all have enough to keep you busy for the rest of the semester) and nothing was specifically due today, though I did collect some things still owed from past weeks.  I also returned graded various things I was still holding and answered many questions regarding the rest of the semester.

How to make this up- Today was mostly students working on their choice of class related assignments, so I saw such things as shoe drawings, bottle still lifes, mosaic collages, mixed media collages (the print thing), color wheels, comic strips, 3D final projects, and museum papers all being worked on. 

Homework- Nothing new, but quite a few students still need to finish some things, projects that are past due, or portfolio exercises that will be graded next week.  The complete list of what is expected as part of the semester portfolio (and the dates on the blog when the specifics can be found) were posted to last week's blog entry and will be there.

The Wednesday is Friday thing is now concluded, so next week we go back to being a Friday class.

For next class 12/21/18- Our last meeting of the semester. We will open with a quick group critique of the 3D Final projects, after which I will check portfolios.  Just bring the whole 18" x 24" pad.  Before the class period ends, they will all be graded and ready to be returned, along with any late arriving comic strip, and the 3D projects.  I will also be accepting the final version of the museum papers, and if students are still around at the end of class, they will be returned graded.  (or they can be left with me and they'll be graded over the break) 

Nothing will be accepted after the official end of the class period, so make sure you are on time for class.  

Friday, December 7, 2018

12/7/18 Introduction to Art

Today's Class- With the course evaluations now completed, we were able to deal with actual class stuff today.  We opened by looking at all the comic strip projects, thus learning what each was about.  These will be graded and returned to the students next week. I also had students select slips of paper from hats, with nouns and modifying words/phrases, creating new combinations that will be the subjects for the last project, our 3D final.  The morning class saw a set of slides, a very shallow overview of the history of sculpture, including prehistoric, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Renaissance, Baroque, and various modern and contemporary approaches.  By the afternoon the slide projector bulb had burned out, but this gave us time to look at examples of photographs students had taken as part of that assignment.  

How to make this up- The last new project of the semester got a start today when students randomly selected topics for the 3D final project.  From one hat students drew nouns, from the other modifying words or phrases, and together these created concepts, which the students are asked to use as the subject for a three dimensional work.  Samples from previous semesters are posted in the previous blog entry from earlier this morning.  

Here are some additional student examples:

Homework- The 3D final project started today will be due on December 21, 2018, our last day of class.  Like everything else, it must be turned in that day by the end of class time.  If you were not here today, you will need to get your subject from me.  You may e-mail me and ask me to choose out of the hats for you, or you can choose them yourself next class.

The final version of the museum assignment is due on December 21, 2018, our last day of class.

The semester portfolio, the total of all artwork not otherwise graded this semester, will be graded at our last class meeting on December 21, 2018.  Here is what will be expected to be part of that, and the day on this blog that the assignment was done:

Sep 14 contour line (shoes)
Sep 21  negative space (chair, bottles)
Sep 28  value drawing (charcoal)
Oct 5  mosaic collage
Oct 12 color wheel and complement mix
Oct 19 photography
Oct 26 visual rhythm (music)
Nov 2 collagraph plate
Nov 30  two point perspective

For next class Wed 12/12/18- Our next class meeting has been moved by Kean University to Wednesday, December 12, 2018, at the standard time for the class.  We will not be starting anything new, so bring whatever materials you need to work on whatever class related item you plan to work on.  It can be the final 3D project, something from the semester portfolio, or the museum assignment.  On that day I will return whatever student work I have collected so far, including the comic strip projects, printed collagraphs, and completed museum papers.

Materials are whatever you choose to work with to create the sculpture.  The piece can be modeled, carved, or assembled from whatever you want to use.  Posted student examples (all from today on this blog) will show you some of the things students have used in the past, and if you are not sure, e-mail me and ask questions.  Because you have to bring the materials and finished piece to class, I recommend something not too heavy, and a maximum of 12 inches in any direction.  

The next week after that, our last meeting of the semester, we will be back on Friday, December 21, 2018.

3D Samples for Intro Class Dec 2018

These are examples of this project completed by students in previous semesters.  Today current students will have selected topics for their projects, but this shows how some previous students have dealt with it- their chosen topic and their resulting visualization.

One option is to create a free standing object out of whatever materials you wish to use.  Can be modeled, carved, assembled, etc. Can be a single object, make use of a base or platform, etc. You will need to bring the completed piece to class, so I recommend no larger than 12" tall.

 Appetite for Distraction

 Fallen Merchant

 Planet Gone Wild

 Troubled Uprising

Another option is to create an enclosed space to contain your view of the concept.  The first example here put together two boxes to present a before/after concept.  The second example built two shelves and filled them with elements to tell the story.

 Impasse Changed

Plowing through the Nation