Wednesday, April 28, 2010

4/28/10 Intro to Art

Today's class- Today was a general work day for the class. Some students worked on their final projects, while others worked on some back projects that needed completing. We also took some time to look at some late arriving comic strip projects.

Homework- The 3D box project is due at the beginning of class on May 5, 2010. Those who have not yet turned in their comic strip projects and museum papers must bring them to class next week to get credit for them.

For next class 5/5/10- Our final class meeting. Bring the final 3D project, the semester portfolio of all other artwork (see the post from 4/21/10 for the list), and anything else that needs grading, such as the museum paper. All work will be critiqued, graded, and returned that day.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

4/21/10 Intro to Art

Today's class- Today we looked at finished comic strip narrative projects from students who had finished them. We also looked at the history of sculpture, from prehistoric through the present. After that I gave the information about the final 3D project.

How to make this up- The project is based on the box sculptures of Joseph Cornell, open front boxes with some kind of theme. Above and below are some student examples from previous semesters. Additional examples, including one I made, and the details and specifications of the project can be found here.

Homework- This graded project is due at the beginning of class on May 5, 2010, which is also the last day of our class for the semester. Projects will not be accepted after that date.

Students who did not turn in their comic strip projects or who haven't printed their collograph plates yet should bring them next week.

*******Spring Semester Portfolio***********

These class art projects are all part of the semester portfolio. The portfolio grade is based mostly on completion, so you want to have all of these done for final grading. The listed dates are when you'll find details on this blog about each project.

1/27/10 Contour Lines (shoes)
2/3/10 Negative Space (chair and bottles)
2/17/10 Value (charcoal)
2/24/10 Mosaic Collage (magazine paper image)
3/3/10 Color Wheel and complement pair mix
3/10/10 Rhythm (abstract compositions to music)
3/24/10 Photography
3/31/10 Texture (monotype print)

For next class 4/28/10- This will be a general work day for students to work on anything related to the class. That can be the new 3D box project, finishing the comic strip or anything from the portfolio, or even working on the museum paper. Bring in whatever supplies you need to work on whatever you plan to do during the class.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

4/14/10 Intro to Art

Today's Class- Today we did a variety of art related activities. Students printed their collograph plates, as in the example above showing the plate and the resulting print. While the printing was being done, everyone worked on the comic book projects that were started last week. We also took some time to look at examples of everyone's results from the photography project. Finally, we walked over to the CAS Building, where we saw a new themed exhibition called "The Veil."

How to make this up- Those who missed class today or did not have their photos and/or collograph plate should bring them to class next week.

Homework- The comic strip personal narrative graded project is due at the beginning of class next week, April 21, 2010. This is a graded project, so there will be grade penalties for late work.

Someone left his or her 18"x24" pad and some other supplies in a bag at the gallery in the CAS building today. That someone should return there as soon as possible to reclaim it.

For next class 4/21/10- We will critique all the comic strip projects and begin talking about the semester's final project, involving sculpture. Bring your completed comic strip, pencil and paper (either your 18"x24" pad, or a sketchbook or notebook.)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

4/7/10 Intro to Art

Today's Class- Today we started the first graded art project of the semester. We began by looking at slides of art with a focus on narrative- telling stories in direct, metaphorical, or symbolic ways. I also showed slides and actual examples of the completed project, an autobiographic comic strip told with symbolic characters, further examples of which are shown above. We also took some time to look at the graduate student art show currently in Howe Gallery on the 1st floor of our building.

How to make this up- The assignment calls for you to make an autobiographical comic strip, telling a true story of something that happened in your life. It should be 12 total panels over 2 sheet of your 18"x24" paper. Full color, using your pastels. You and all the other characters need to be represented by symbolic items relevant to the story or the people involved. On the first day most students got as far as choosing a story, working out the 12 steps of the story, and creating symbolic characters. Students who missed class today should do that much before the next class. Next week you will be given time in class to work on the actual drawing, as individual students print their collographs. For more details about the assignment and some supplementary material, click here.

Homework- The completed comic strip project is due at the beginning of class on April 21,2010. Like all individual graded work, points will be deducted for work turned in late.

The photography assignment is due April 14, 2010.

For next class 4/14/10- We will continue work on the comic strip project and print the collograph plates started last week. We will also take some time to look at the results of the photography assignment. Bring your 18"x24" pad, pencil and eraser, pastels, completed collograph plate, and your photos.