Monday, April 29, 2013

4/29/13 Visual Thinking

Today's Class-  Today we looked at the mixed media collage pieces that were due today, and a few late arriving behavior changing posters.  I returned some previously graded work.  Much of the day was spent working more on the final project that we introduced last week- something linked to a specific culture.  

How to make this up-  As a group, the class created a word association tree.  We started with a single example term that could have many associations (HOME), then selected 5 related terms.  Above is a photo of this morning's chalkboard (click on the photo to enlarge), starting with Home, which branched into Family, House, Safe, Bed, and Community.  For each of these words we found 3 related terms, and for each of those 3 more associations, so that at the end we had 45 words at the end of the branches, all of which had a relationship to our original word.  

Last week I had asked everyone to come up with a list of 3 cultures that would be possibilities as a subject for this last project.  Today each student chose the one they liked best, and came up with a list of 6 branch words and at least 3 words branching off that.  This was the basis of this week's homework.

Homework- Chose 3 of the initial branching words from your original chosen culture to be basis for some sketches.  Use the branch word and any of the terms that branched off it to serve as the subject for a small pencil sketch.  There may be some overlapping concepts between the three sketches, but the focus of each should be different.  The sketches should be done in pencil, and can either be a full page in your sketchbook or half a page in your large pad.  These may change before final piece due in two weeks, but use this opportunity to work out compositional ideas and gather as many related details.  Do a total of 3 sketches.

Any graded projects that students still owe, including the museum paper, should be turned in as soon as possible to receive partial credit.

For next class 5/6/13-  Bring the sketchbook, pencil and eraser.  If you would like to use some class time next week to work out the final idea, make sure to have your 18" x 24 pad as well.  We will discuss the homework sketches and look at any late arriving projects.