Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2/16/11 Intro to Art

Today's Class- Today we discussed the concept of negative space in two dimensional art- the relationship of the space around and between objects in the image to the objects that seem to be the subject(s) of the work. We also visited the current show in the Howe Gallery down the hall, featuring art from Kean University students.

How to make this up- We did two exercises, spending about 30 minutes on each. The first involved drawing the empty spaces within a wooden chair, the second drawing a still life of bottles (see above photo). For more examples and the specific details, click here. These are portfolio exercises that must be made up by the end of the year to receive credit.

Homework- The list of artists and artworks for your research assignment should be turned in by next week- February 23, 2011.

Extra Credit- In class today I offered an opportunity for my Intro to Art students to get some extra credit for the semester and at the same time make up one of the recent weeks that we lost to winter weather. Below is an example of a mosaic collage (original photo on left, student copy made from small cut pieces of colorful magazine paper on the right)

Full details and additional student examples can be found here. (ignore the first paragraph, which relates to the missed class, and see the instructions in the 2nd paragraph) The extra credit assignment can be turned in any time, but must be completed by the beginning of the last class of the semester to receive credit. It will be worth up to 10 percent added to your final grade, depending on the quality of the piece- copy of composition, complete image, color matching, etc.

For next class 2/23/11- Next class we will start our study of value (light and shadow) using charcoal. Bring your 18" x 24" pad, either vine or compressed charcoal, and a kneaded eraser. Charcoal is messy, so I recommend not wearing anything light colored to class.

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