Friday, March 30, 2007

2D Design- Color Still Life Painting Project

Today's class- We looked at slides with examples of still life painting from the Baroque (Hans Holbein, William Kalf, Maria van Oosterwick) and the Modern (Cezanne, Matisse, Picasso, Thiebaud) and then the students painted from a still life set up in the room.
How to make this up- Set up a still life with a variety of brightly colored objects. There should be 5 objects, 1 each from among the following list of colors- red, yellow, blue, green, orange, brown. Arrange the objects on a piece of fabric that is a different color than the chosen objects. Light with a directional light to create light and shadow. Paint the set up at a scale that fills the page. You may use pencil to draw it first, or paint directly from the set-up if you prefer. Assign some kind of color to any background visible behind the objects and drapery.